While cleaning out my papercraft stash, I came across some "pizza" boxes that I made for some painted sugar cookies a while back. That brain juice of mine started flowing and I came up with a folding box that can have several uses. I could put some gift cards in it or adhere pictures on each of the folding sections, or both. I included a pocket in this one, for a gift card. I could also discard the folding wings and just put a pretty cookie or some other little gift in the box.
It looks complicated, but it really isn't. The size you choose determines how much paper. This one is 4" x 4" x 1". Because I used alternating colors, it took 1 1/2 sheets of scrapbook paper. For mom (or whomever receives the gift), she simply takes the clip off the top (and can use it for a bookmarker in that good book you might also give her for Mother's Day), and opens the box. It unfolds for her.
And here is a picture of the one of the painted sugar cookies that fits nicely into this or the pizza boxes.
Now, what can I do tomorrow?
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